St. John's Lutheran Church

St. John's Lutheran Church participates in God's mission to bless, save, restore, and reconcile the world through meaningful worship and faithful witness in the city of Des Moines and throughout the world.


St. John’s Pride Parade & Booth - Saturday, June 8th and Sunday June 9th!

St. John’s welcomes you on Sunday, June 9th to “March with St. John’s” and celebrate with the LGBTQ+ community and friends at the Capital City Pride Parade!

The iconic route starts at the Iowa State Capital and travels down Grand Avenue into the Historic East Village. Staging time for those marching is 11:30-11:50 a.m. at the Lucas Building Lot located on 321 E.12th St. This lot is east of the Capital.


Stop by our “Pride Booth” and sign up to volunteer on Saturday, June 8th or 9th! Welcome attendees to the St. John’s community while handing out some signature swag, church information, and more!” (booth location to come as available)

We would love to have you volunteer at our booth! Please sign up for a slot on Saturday, June 8 or Sunday June 9 at

If you have questions or would like further information get in touch with Amanda Landers-Each, Event Specialist, at or leave a message at 515-243-7691 ext. 335.


Pride Worship Service

Sunday, June 9, St. John’s is participating in an offsite, outdoor ecumenical worship service, worshipping alongside another ten LGBTQ+ Open and Affirming congregations. Across these congregations we anticipate over 500 people will join us, wow! Our Sunday, June 9 worship service is on the Pride Mainstage at 10am, and you are invited to bring a lawn chair and perhaps some sunscreen. After the service you are invited to join St. John’s in marching in the Pride Parade, which our Bishop Amy Current is joining us for, just a few blocks away!

And if you’d like to worship with us that day online, or at St. John’s? We’ve got you covered! A livestream of the gathering will be shared for our offsite worshippers, with the livestream played in our sanctuary too, with a celebration of holy communion. Coffee hour will be available, as usual, both before and after worship at St. John’s as well. However you choose to gather with us this day thank you for your participation! It is one way, of many we celebrate our new-to-us identity as an LGBTQ+ Open and Affirming Reconciling in Christ congregation, living out our call to be In The City, For Good!

 600 6th Ave. Des Moines, Iowa  50309 - 515.243.7691