St. John's Lutheran Church

Worship Times: Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am

St. John's Lutheran Church participates in God's mission to bless, save, restore, and reconcile the world through meaningful worship and faithful witness in the city of Des Moines and throughout the world.

St. John's Foundation

As your Foundation President I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for recognizing the important role the Foundation is serving as it aids and assists in the mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church.

- Jacqueline Warming

St. John’s Lutheran Foundation, Inc. has been granted tax exempt status as a non-profit charitable foundation in accordance with IRC Section 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(2)

St Johns Exterior.jpg

Ways of Giving to the Foundation

  • Cash Gifts
    Immediate benefit to the Foundation
    Charitable tax deduction, which reduces net cost of gift

  • Specific Bequest by Will
    Current use of funds
    Charitable Deduction on Federal Estate Tax Return

  • Gifts of Appreciated Securities (Stocks, Bonds, etc.)
    Immediate benefit to the Foundation
    Additional tax savings compared to cash gifts
    Current market value is used to determine cash value
    No capital gains tax

  • Gifts of Life Insurance
    Policy affords premiums with eventual large pay-off
    Annual premiums are tax deductible
    Provide a guaranteed contribution not subject to fluctuations
    Existing paid-up policies can be re-designated to Foundation

  • Charitable Remainder Trust
    You retain the income from assets during your lifetime
    Removes assets from your taxable estate
    Trustee handles investment and pays income to you

Your gift gives on…all monies contributed to the St. John’s Lutheran Foundation are invested. Your contribution is never touched. From the first day it is invested it earns year after year. The income generated by the Fund is used to aid and assist the church.

Foundation Grant Request Form

Foundation Board of Directors

  • Jacqueline Warming - President

  • Richard Hansen - Vice President - Investments

  • Joel Lunde - Treasurer

  • Bruce Remmey - Secretary

  • Melissa Schrof

  • Kent Hartwig

  • Becky Lau-Ekstrand

  • Jason Madden

  • Steve King

  • Sue Wittmack

  • James Bernau

 600 6th Ave. Des Moines, Iowa  50309 - 515.243.7691