Global Mission
Serving Around the World
St John’s is a part of a much larger global community of over 70 million Lutherans in 79 countries.
Financial and in-kind donations from the congregation support various mission projects coordinated by our Ministry Team (pictured below)
Current Projects
Sponsor a Missionary – currently supporting Brian Palmer in Liberia
Make quilts; collect school supplies or personal care items for Lutheran World Relief
Provide needed supplies for local refugee families
Financially support Young Adults in Global Mission
Coordinate a Fair Trade Market
Provide educational opportunities for learning about Mission work
Quilts made by members of St. John's and sent to Lutheran World Relief (LWR) to be give to needy people around the world.
During the Advent season St. John's hosts a Fair Trade Fair.
Fair Trade Emphasis
We believe that the local producers should receive a fair amount for the products they grow; direct marketing from small producers to people who use the products. Every Sunday, these high quality Fair Trade products are offered for sale. Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Olive Oil, and Olive Oil Soap are available. Also, once a year we sponsor a Fair Trade Market in which a variety of hand-crafted products from various places in the world are available for purchase.
Mission Sponsorship
The Global Mission Ministry of St John’s depends on the whole congregation. You can be a part of this ministry in many ways.
As a congregation, we sponsor mission projects that help improve the daily lives of others in the world. Projects may include such things as: sending needed medical supplies; providing for safe water supplies; or supporting children’s education. Current projects underway will be announced.
Ask yourself: How can I take part in this ministry?
Pray for the work of our missionary in Liberia.
Pray for the work of the Ministry Team.
Join our Ministry Team. Contact one of the Pastors or Phyllis Olson at Meetings are at 6 pm on the first Tuesday of the month at the church.
Contribute in-kind articles for one or more Global Mission Projects. Collections boxes are identified in various locations in the church.
Contribute financially to Global Mission. Make checks payable to St John’s Lutheran Church with “Global Mission” on the memo line.
Learn about the culture and life in foreign lands. Attend educational opportunities.