Biermann Nursery
Maddie spending some quality time in the nursery. Pardon the blur she was really giving the horse a workout.
Nursery services are offered:
- All Sundays 8:30am - 12:15pm
- Wednesdays 6:00pm - 9:00pm
The care of each child, the development of trust and self-esteem, and beginning harmonious social relationships are elements of our child care ministry.
Our child care providers enrich this ministry as they nurture each child in development of the following basic understandings:
- I am worthy of love and care.
- God is with me.
- I can take part in God's world.
- I can develop skills communicating with loving adults.
- I can deal with anger, frustration and conflict.
Child care providers will be available from 8:30 am until 12:15 pm each Sunday. Nursery is also available during Beloved Community. The employed and volunteer care providers are a great asset to this ministry.
However, parents may be called upon occasionally to assist with care. We appreciate your willingness to help with this ministry.
Before you arrive:
- Clearly mark items from home (diaper bags, diapers bottles, toys, etc.) with your child's complete name.
- Determine if your child is ill. If so, please make alternate care arrangements.
When you arrive:
- Introduce yourself and your child the child care providers.
- Fill in the attendance sheet completely, making sure any special instructions are made clear.
- Please indicate where you will be in the church building, so we can find you if necessary.
- If you prefer to change your child's diaper, let us know, so we can find you.
Please return promptly to the nursery following worship.
Child Care of children above age 3 is only provided upon request during scheduled church activities such as meetings, rehearsals, concerts, etc. The Nursery staff must be notified of such need at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Contact Kim Lamb at 515-243-7691 to ensure that your event has child care coverage.
If you are interested in volunteering in the nursery please contact Lisa DeGroot, Nursery Coordinator.